2024 Red Mondays Red Mondays Nomination: September/October 2024 Please complete the form below to nominate as a team or individual into the Red Mondays competition in September/October 2024 "*" indicates required fields I am nominating as:*Please chooseIndividualTeamSecond/Third Installment (Nominated team)Team Name*Team Contact: Name*Team Contact: Email* Team Contact: Mobile*Player Name*Email* Mobile*Team NominationsHow many teams are you nominating?*Please choose amount of teams you are nominating123Please select division would like to nominate for:*A and B Divisions may be combined depending on amount of nominations received. Male A Female A Male B Female B Mixed I confirm that the team nominations are compliant with the requirements as set out in the Tournament Rules and Regulations.*Including all players requiring a minimum of Gold Membership with Volleyball WA. Contact Reds if more information required. I confirm I understand that I may be subject to financial penalties as per the Rules & Regulations if my team nominations change in any way* I understand Association/Club RequirementsReds Membership Agreement*I have read and agree to comply with the Reds Membership Agreement. Yes Policies*I agree to comply with all Association and Club policies. Yes Associate Member*I understand that by completing this membership I will become an Associate Member of the Perth Reds Volleyball Association and the Reds Volleyball Club. Yes Volleyball WA Membership Status*What is your current Volleyball WA Membership Status? Platinum Gold Silver No Membership PaymentHow would you like to pay the Team Nomination fee(s)*Payment Options 1. Pay Team Nomination in full 2. Pay in 3 installments (information below) First Instalment - $100 with nomination; Second Instalment - $60 due 9th October; Third Instalment - $60 due 23rd October. Penalties apply for late payments.Payment in fullPayment PlanRed Mondays - Individual Nomination* Price: Volleyball WA Gold Membership* Price: Nomination Fee: 1 Team* Price: Nomination Fee: 1 Team (Payment Plan)* Price: Nomination Fee: 2nd/3rd Installment (Payment Plan)* Price: Nomination Fee: 2 Teams* Price: Nomination Fee: 3 Teams* Price: Total Credit Card*Feed Required: To use the Stripe field, please create a Stripe feed for this form.