Perth Reds Indoor Youth Volley League: Team List Submission – Term 4 2024

Perth Indoor Youth Volley League
Team List Submissions: Term 4 2024

Please complete the form below to submit your team lists from your School or Club for the Perth Reds Indoor Youth Volley League in Term 4 2024.

"*" indicates required fields

Perth Reds Indoor YVL KIDS Tournament Rules & Regulations

Perth Reds Indoor YVL Tournament Rules & Regulations

Team information

Team List Submission Template

Please use this team list nomination template: VIEW TEAM LIST SUBMISSION TEMPLATE HERE
Max. file size: 256 MB.
I confirm that the team lists uploaded are compliant with team nomination requirements as per the Perth Indoor YVL and YVL KIDS Tournament Rules & Regulations.*
I understand that I may be subject to financial penalties as per the Perth Indoor YVL and YVL KIDS Rules & Regulations if in breach of these rules and/or regulations.*
I confirm that the Club/School match fees will be invoiced and sent to the contact listed above via email and will be required to be paid as per the Perth Indoor YVL and YVL KIDS Tournament Rules & Regulations.*