Perth Reds Indoor Youth Volley League: School & Club Team Nominations – Term 4 2024 Perth Reds Indoor Youth Volley LeagueSchool and Club Team Nominations: Term 4 2024 Please complete the form below to nomination teams from your School or Club for the Youth Volley League in Term 4 2024 "*" indicates required fields Perth Reds Indoor YVL Nomination DetailsI am nominating as:*Please chooseSchool TeamClub TeamOther TeamSchool/Club Team Name*Team Contact: Name*Please note: Team Contact for each team must be over the age of 18.Team Contact: Email*Please note: Team Contact for each team must be over the age of 18. Team Contact: MobilePlease note: Team Contact for each team must be over the age of 18.Team NominationsAre you a staff member/representative of the school or club nominating?*YesNoName of school staff member/club representativeDo you approve the official organisational and financial responsibility for this team to the designated team contact (coach, team manager or parent)? Yes No Not required - team responsibility remains with you Have you contacted a staff member or representative from the organisation on the nomination?Please note, that the school or club must be informed of your intention to enter a team on their behalf. Perth Reds VA would encourage all nominations to come from schools or clubs directly. Please contact for more assistance. Yes No How many teams are you nominating?*Please choose amount of teams you are nominating12345Please select the Year Groups which you would like to nominate for:*Age groups may be combined depending on amount of nominations received. Year 11/12 Male Year 11/12 Female Year 9/10 Male Year 9/10 Female Year 7/8 Male Year 7/8 Female How many teams do you wish to nominate into the Year 11/12 Male Division?*Please enter a number from 0 to 2.How many teams do you wish to nominate into the Year 11/12 Female Division?*Please enter a number from 0 to 2.How many teams do you wish to nominate into the Year 9/10 Male Division?*Please enter a number from 0 to 2.How many teams do you wish to nominate into the Year 9/10 Female Division?*Please enter a number from 0 to 2.How many teams do you wish to nominate into the Year 7/8 Male Division?*Please enter a number from 0 to 2.How many teams do you wish to nominate into the Year 7/8 Female Division?*Please enter a number from 0 to 6.I confirm that the team nominations are compliant with the requirements as set out in the Perth Reds Indoor YVL Tournament Rules and Regulations.* I confirm I understand that I may be subject to financial penalties as per the YVL Rules & Regulations if my team nominations change in any way* I understand PaymentDiscount CodeHow would you like to pay the Team Nomination fee(s)*Full Payment via Credit CardSplit Payment via Credit Card (3 Seperate Deposits)Invoice sent to emailSchool - Transfer organisational and financial responsibility to team contactNomination Fee: 1 Team (Split Payment)*3 Split Payments of $150 are due before the following dates to avoid forfeits or fines: 1st Deposit Due: With Nomination; 2nd Deposit Due: 31st October; Final Deposit Due: 21st November. For split payments for multiple teams, please contact Price: Nomination Fee: 1 Team* Price: Nomination Fee: 2 Teams* Price: Nomination Fee: 3 Teams* Price: Total Credit Card*