Notice of 2024 Annual General Meetings for Perth Reds Volleyball Association, Reds Volleyball Club and Reds Junior Volleyball Club

Annual General Meetings – General Details

Wednesday 26 June 2024 –  Aquinas College (Room HG2)

The Annual General Meetings of the Perth Reds Volleyball Association, Reds Volleyball Club and Reds Junior Volleyball Club will be held on Wednesday 26 June 2024 in the HG2 classroom at Aquinas College at the times listed below.

Perth Reds Volleyball Association – 5:45pm
Reds Volleyball Club – 6:15pm 
Reds Junior Volleyball Club – 6:45pm

Items of Business


Confirmation of Minutes of previous AGM.
Consideration of the Annual Report.
Election of Board Members.


Confirmation of Minutes of previous AGM.
Consideration of the Annual Report.
Election of Committee members.

Nominations for Board/Committee Positions

The Constitutions of the Perth Reds Volleyball Association, Reds Volleyball Club and Reds Junior Volleyball Club require all positions be vacated annually and nominations are hereby called to fill the following positions for each association:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Non-executive Board/Committee Directors

Nominees are asked to consider their reasons for nomination for Board/Commitee positions and are encouraged to have a conversation with the Anthony Meo (PRVA and RVC President) and/or Logan Vanderweide (RJVC President) to understand our strategic direction and discuss possible portfolios and roles. All board and committee considerations must be for the benefit of each association as a whole.

The nomination must be seconded by a current member of the Association who has full voting rights under the Constitution.

Nominations can be completed via the link below. Nominees who wish to nominate for election to the Board/Committee are required to do so by 12 June 2024.

Nominate Here:

Nominations for Order of Merit Recipients and Life Members

The Constitutions of the Perth Reds Volleyball Association, Reds Volleyball Club and Reds Junior Volleyball Club, outline that individuals who have provided significant service to the development of an association may be eligible to be nominated for an Order of Merit or a Life Membership. Further information regarding the eligibility criteria and nomination process is contained in the Membership By-Laws for each association. 
The nomination must be seconded by a current member of the Association who has full voting rights under the Constitution.
The online nomination form is included below. Individuals who wish to nominate someone for an Order of Merit or Life Membership for Perth Reds Volleyball Association, Reds Volleyball Club or Reds Junior Volleyball Club are to submit the nomination via the link below no later than Wednesday 12 June 2023. 
Order of Merit and Life Membership Nomination Form: