2023 Australian Volleyball Club Championships EOI

2023 Australian Volleyball Club Championships
Expression of Interest

Tour Information 
Reds is excited to be sending teams to Bendigo in September to compete in the Australian Volleyball Club Championships!

Athletes are required to book flights to Melbourne arriving by 1:00pm Friday 22 September. The competition runs from Saturday 23 September to Monday 25 September. Accomodation is provided by Reds on nights inclusive from 22-25 September, with check-out on Tuesday 26 September. 

Each team will be comprised of either 9 or 10 players + 2 Reserves who will only travel in the event a player from the team is unable to travel. If required, trials and/or selections will take place following the close of Athlete EOIs on Monday 17 July 2023. The training schedule for teams will be developed accordingly based on athlete selections post State League season and consider athletes still involved in the SLR/Divisions competition. 

The estimated cost of the Tour is $1,100. The cost of the trip includes 4 nights accomodation in Bendigo, game fees and ground transport – flights are exclusive to provide players the opportunity to book using frequent flyer points and the most cost effective flights option. The Club will provide all athletes with official tour merchandise and additional playing shirts free of charge at a later date. No payment is required by athletes for these uniform and merchandise items, and sizing will take place later in the year. 

Payment Information
By completing this form, you are signalling your intention to represent Reds at the Australian Volleyball Club Championships in Bendigo and with the capacity to complete agree to complete full tour payment in full when advised by the Club later this year prior to the tournament in September.

Further information will be provided to athletes who complete this EOI. Please contact Max Wason via participation@redsvolley.com if you require any further information or wish to discuss payment options, including instalments or payments plans over multiple months.